Basic Information on Vitamin K2- Chinese High Quality Vitamin K2 Manufacturers
Release time :2023-08-24 15:24:06
Basic information on hydroquinone - Chinese manufacturer of high-quality sodium nitrite Hydroquinone is mainly used as a developing agent for photography. Hydroquinone and its alkylates are widely used as polymerization inhibitors in monomer storage and transportation processes, with a commonly used concentration of about 200ppm.

1. Introducing calcium into the bone: Vitamin K2 helps to carboxylate primary osteocalcin secreted by osteoblasts, transforming it into active osteocalcin, thereby promoting the deposition of calcium ions in the blood into the bone. If the body has sufficient vitamin K2, it can activate osteocalcin, which has a unique affinity for calcium ions and can introduce calcium into the bone, causing calcium salt deposition and promoting bone mineralization. 

2. To treat and prevent osteoporosis, vitamin K2 generates bone protein, which then works with calcium to generate bone, increase bone density, and prevent fractures.

3. Vitamin K2 can prevent liver cirrhosis from progressing to liver cancer.

4. Treat vitamin K2 deficiency induced hemorrhage, promote the formation of prothrombin, accelerate coagulation, and maintain normal coagulation time.

5. It has diuretic and detoxifying functions that strengthen the liver, and can lower blood pressure.

Health function

Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis

According to experts, Japanese children do not have the common growth pain that is common in children in general areas. This is because eating natto from snacks leads to high bone density, strong and healthy bones in children. The inventor of Guishengfang Nattokinase and the head of the Science Department at Kuroshi University in Japan, Professor Yoshiko Sukami, discovered that nattokinase is rich in vitamin K2, with 870ug of vitamin K2 per 100 grams of natto, which is hundreds of times higher than other foods. Research has shown that vitamin K is a protein dependent vitamin in bone, increasing the synthesis of osteocalcin in osteoblasts. At the same time, the glutamic acid group in osteocalcin γ- Carboxylation only has biological effects. Carboxylated osteocalcin can bind with Ca and hydroxyapatite, causing bone mineralization. This carboxylation must involve vitamin K, and vitamin K2 in vitamin K is superior to other vitamins in increasing bone density in the human body. Therefore, vitamin K2 is an essential element in increasing bone density. In modern people's diet, what is lacking is not calcium, but vitamin K2, an active substance. Natto is rich in active vitamin K2 and high-quality protein, which makes children's bone density higher, bones stronger, eliminates growth pain during children's growth, and lays a solid foundation for lifelong physical health.

Preventing the progression of liver cirrhosis to liver cancer

A preliminary study by Habu et al. from Osaka City University in Japan showed that vitamin K2 can reduce the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma in female patients with viral cirrhosis. Forty female patients with viral cirrhosis were randomly divided into two groups, receiving or not receiving vitamin K2 45mg/d treatment, in addition to receiving diet and symptomatic treatment. After 7 years of follow-up, 2 out of 21 patients receiving vitamin K2 treatment were diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma, significantly lower than the control group (9/19 cases), and the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in the treatment group was later than that in the control group (907 days after enrollment compared to 91 days). After adjusting for age and other risk factors, the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in the treatment group was 87% lower than that in the control group. The annual incidence rate of hepatocellular carcinoma in the treatment group was 1.6%, significantly lower than that in the control group (8.8%) and the general cirrhosis population (7.9%).

This preliminary conclusion still needs to be confirmed by large-scale clinical studies, and further research is needed to determine whether vitamin K2 has the same therapeutic effect on male patients.

Antitumor mechanism

The main function of vitamin K2 is to maintain the normal coagulation function of the body. In recent years, studies have found that vitamin K2 can induce apoptosis in various solid tumors such as hepatocellular carcinoma and ovarian cancer, as well as leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome in the blood system. It has significant anti-tumor effects and synergistic effects with various anti-tumor drugs.

Vitamin K2 has a clear anti-tumor effect, but the mechanism of its anti-tumor effect is not fully understood. There may be several types:   Participate in the transmission of mitochondrial electronic signals. Fredericks et al. found that abnormal expression of TERE1 (isopentenyltransferase required for natural synthesis of vitamin K2) can increase the quantity of K2, increase mitochondrial transmembrane potential, and cause a series of signal transduction reactions, ultimately leading to tumor inhibition

Function. This study indirectly proves that vitamin K2 is a part of the signaling pathway in multiple stages of tumor growth inhibition By affecting the Bcl-2 protein. Bcl-2 is an anti apoptotic protein that is often overexpressed in various tumor cells. A study has found that VK2 induces cell apoptosis with Bcl-2 protein (a transduction signal related to the anti apoptotic signaling pathway) as its molecular target. Direct action and induction of mitochondrial pathway mediated cell apoptosis through Bcl-2 protein antagonist (BAK). The metabolite of vitamin K2 covalently binds to cysteine residue 166, which is an inducer

The key to inducing cell apoptosis. The growth inhibition effect of VK2 on SMMC-7721 liver cancer cells is achieved by affecting the expression of Bcl-2 Inducing cell apoptosis through the action of caspase family. In the study of SMMC-7721 cells, the inhibition mechanism of vitamin K2 involves the activation of caspase-3 and caspase-8, as well as the phosphorylation of p53, based on the data analysis of flow cytometry and DNA fragmentation Regulate the expression of G1 phase related cell cycle molecules. Kuriyama et al. administered drinking water containing vitamin K2, K3, or K5 to liver tumor bearing mice. Detect G1 related cell cycle molecules after a certain cycle. The expression of cyclin dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4) was significantly reduced, while on the contrary, the expression of cell cycle inhibitory molecule Cdk inhibitor p16INK4a and retinoblastoma gene was significantly increased Regulation of ROS and MAPK signaling pathways through generation. ⑥ Affects steroids and exogenous receptors (SXR). Vitamin K2 can act as a ligand for SXR, activate SXR, overexpress SXR in cells, and reduce the proliferation and motility of liver cancer cells Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression. Ide et al.'s research data shows that vitamin K2 inhibits NF by- κ B and MAP kinase activity are used to inhibit MMP, which plays an important role in the infiltration and metastasis of cancer cells Inhibiting angiogenesis. The combination of Wei Xinga and other vitamin K2 with benazepril showed a significant decrease in angiogenic factors in the human gastric cancer nude mouse test group treated with the combination therapy Affects the activation of NF kappaB. Multiple studies have found that in the anti-tumor effects of vitamin K2 on liver cancer cells, it is involved that vitamin K2 exerts growth inhibition on cancer cells by inhibiting the activation of NF kappaB, which may affect the expression of cyclin D1.