Myclobutanil CAS 88671-89-0


Myclobutanil is a synthetic fungicide that belongs to the class of chemicals known as triazoles. It is primarily used in agriculture to control fungal diseases on various crops, including fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, and turfgrass. Myclobutanil works by inhibiting the growth of fungi and preventing the development of fungal infections.


Here are some key points about myclobutanil:


Fungicidal Properties: Myclobutanil is effective against a wide range of fungal pathogens, including powdery mildew, rust, leaf spot, and other diseases that can damage crops and plants.


Crop Uses: It is commonly used on a variety of crops, including grapes, apples, strawberries, almonds, and ornamental plants. It can help protect these crops from fungal infections and improve their overall yield and quality.


Mode of Action: Myclobutanil works as a systemic fungicide, meaning it is absorbed by the plant and distributed throughout its tissues. This provides ongoing protection against fungal diseases.


Residue Concerns: There have been concerns about the potential residues of myclobutanil in food products. Regulatory agencies in various countries establish maximum residue limits (MRLs) to ensure that the levels of myclobutanil in harvested crops are safe for consumption.


Safety: When used according to label instructions, myclobutanil is generally considered safe for crops, as well as for human and environmental health. However, like all pesticides, it should be handled and applied with care to minimize potential risks.


Regulation: The use of myclobutanil is regulated by government agencies in many countries, and its application may be subject to restrictions or specific guidelines to protect public health and the environment.


Resistance Management: Over time, some fungi may develop resistance to myclobutanil and other fungicides. To prevent this, farmers are encouraged to use integrated pest management practices, which include rotating different fungicides with different modes of action and employing cultural and biological controls.


It's important to note that the regulatory status and approved uses of myclobutanil can vary from one country to another, so users should always follow local regulations and guidelines when using this fungicide. Additionally, consumers should follow recommended washing and preparation procedures for fruits and vegetables to reduce potential pesticide residues.

Company: Hebei Duling International Trade Co.,Ltd

Address:   15A09 block B, Huarun Building Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang,  Hebei, China, 050001


Tel/Whatsapp: +86 18032673083